For The first time in 5,000 years

For the first time in 5,000 years, someone has proposed a roadmap to ending the Kaliyug. The author just so happens to have fulfilled 11 of the 12 prophecies about Lord Kalki in the Bhavishya Purana, which is a book of scripture from 5,000 years ago.

It is well-known and accepted Lord Krishna was on earth about 5,000 years ago. After he left Earth to go back to the Baikuntha Lok, the Kali Yuga started.

The most famous line in the Geeta is Lord Krishna saying he will come back in every age to reestablish Dharma. Dharma is not how many temples have been built. Dharma is how people treat each other. And we are at a major low right now. To reestablish Dharma would be to end this Kali Yuga and start the Satya Yuga.

We have Lord Rama’s birth chart. That shows He was on earth about 7,000 years ago towards the end of the Treta Yuga. That means the Dwapar Yuga lasted about 2,000 years. And if this Kali Yuga has already lasted 5,000 years, not all ages are of equal length.

Kashi Banaras is the oldest continuously inhabited city on earth. It is 10,000 years old. It was established by the disciples of Lord Shiva during the Satya Yuga.

Narad Muni asks Laxmi Mata in the Bhavishya Purana, “How will people on earth come to know the end of the Kali Yuga is near?” She replies, “There will be padlocks on temples, and long lines at liquor stores.” That is what happened during the pandemic. And so we should know the end of the Kaliyug is near.


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