"Understanding Kaliyuga: Unveiling its Essence
It's often said that we live in Kaliyuga, but getting into the story of Kaliyuga and its emergence during King Parikshit's era offers a clearer comprehension of what Kaliyuga truly entails. When Kali arrives, he establishes his influence in five distinct domains:
Gambling systems
Illicit affairs
Alcohol consumption behaviors
Violent environments
Accumulation and misuse of wealth
Understanding these facets provides insight into the essence of Kaliyuga. To envision ending Kaliyuga, addressing these five core systems becomes essential. Proposing an end to Kaliyuga without confronting these underlying systems proves implausible.
In today's world, a system revolving around wealth and money is often termed capitalism. Economists can readily assert that capitalism's duration need not span millennia. The pursuit of a holistic economy is not an insurmountable objective."
Make it stand out.
but dont we have 4.5 million years left for end of kaliyug
A black system developed out of money and monetary system is Kaliyuga. The same black system in the world of economics is called capitalism. Capitalism is the Kaliyuga and end of Kaliyuga means end of capitalism. The entire world is waiting for the end of capitalism, and it will not take 50 lakh year or 5 lakh years or 50 thousands years. Time has arrived. Capitalism started 3141 years before BS calendar started. And Capitalism has a life span of 5241 years. BS 2100 will be the starting year of new world order— Kalkiism. You may have confusion of Kaliyuga will end in 50 lakh or 5 lakh years, but I am 100% sure you won’t have that same confusion about capitalism. Yes, some people hyped the numbers about Kaliyuga. That is all. Capitalism is not a big earth or moon that will take 50 lakh or 5 lakh years to end. It’s just a political economic system and it can end in 20 to 30 years. Who is right? One who says Kaliyuga will end in 50 lakh, 5 lakh or 50 thousands years years or one who says Kaliyuga will end in 5000 years? Let us try to clarify with a few examples. proof no First: when zero was not invented and people didn't know how to count numbers between 100, 1000, 10000, 100000 and 10 lakh. There were able to count from 1 to 9 and rest all were counted as imagination. when kaliyuga arrived, there was no fully developed system to write math. so it was impossible to remember counting from 1 to 50 lakh. Any big numbers were just a random calibration by people which does not often make sense like 33 Koti devata (gods). Proof no Second: the oldest human civilization is not older than 10k years old. When we talk about Satyayug, people living in caves may be counted as Satyayuga, but Dwapar and Treta have to be counted only in a civilized society when human started farming and living in small village. Since Kaliyuga started 5k years ago, Tretayuga and Dwaparyuga must have ended in 5000 to 6000 years and for this reason, it's false to predict end of Kaliyuga in 5 lakh years. Proof number Third, any economics professor can easily predict that capitalism will not take a long time to end if the right economic system is developed with the help of moneyless society. Old generation of 4th and 5th grades who prophesized 5 lakh years are not more educated than the economists around the world. proof number 4: there are many prophesies about time for end of kaliyug by many writers. some predict 5000, some predict, 50000 some predicts 5 lakh and 50 lakh. so you cant just trash the idea of 5000 in dust bean because mentally you want to wait 5 million year. we have to welcome the solution of all problem if it matches any one of the prophecies - 5k or 50k or 500k or 5 million. Based on these 4 statements, it's easy to predict that people who wrote prophesied theory for end of Kaliyuga had miscalculated the time between 1000 and 100000. When we did not know how Kaliyuga would end, we could have stayed away with any exaggerated numbers for end of Kaliyuga in lakhs of years. Now since we know there is no other way to end Kaliyuga but a moneyless society, if anyone else claims any other method for end of Kaliyuga, can be easily proven wrong by any sensible people. Billions of people want an end of capitalism and the easiest way to end is by proposing a moneyless society. Any government around the world can make its country completely moneyless in 5 years. And the entire world can be turned moneyless in less than 20 years not five lakh years.
what is ghor kaliyuga
Our society is made up of different groups of people. If more than 50% of any group of people are against the Vedic dharma, social norms, moral value. It can be said as Ghor Kaliyug
99% brahmin are against Ved as 99% brahmin family consume meat, alcohol or nicotine products.
99% of Vaishya are corrupt and are against Ved.
99% Chhetri has left their job to protect dharma.
70% dalit are against the Hindu dharma because unethical caste system led by Bhim army type organization.
More than 50% men and women are corrupt and have no respect to their relationship.
More than 60% of adults don't respect their old parents.
90% men are corrupt and wants dowry to get married.
80% of people are money minded and don't care about humanity.
90% of people are in a radius of one or more than one type of social conflict like religion, language, color, caste or gender.
90% population don't respect brahmin and fully inclined to material world.
what type of
kalki we need
1. Preacher: Who comes and try to become God so that everyone can worship them. All they do is preach how we should live. Like all baba (prophet) with or without statue.
2. Martyr: person who try to help mass but gets killed in the process to help mass.
3. Doer: A person who comes and fixes every single problem in society and becomes a role model by obeying all rules of social laws. At the end he eliminates bad people instead of getting killed by bad people.
conclusion: its easy to identify real one. someone who has road map to fix every single problem on earth will be the real one.
Most of us think that after nuclear war, Kalki will come from sky and start killing all bad people while riding a horse. They think nobody will be able to stop Kalki while going on killing rampant. This is not Tretayug or Dwaparyug. In Kaliyug, Kalki will also have to follow the law and order like all of us. The law and order says only court and police can give capital punishment. If Kalki goes in rampant of killing people without maintaining the law and order, then police will put him in jail.
The protocol for him will be what everyone follows today. He will come 100% like a common man who will bring up his ideas to end Kaliyug. He will have to come up with his manifesto. Build a follower base and go for democratic election way to gain power. Win elections, amend constitution and implement Vedic rules. Then only the law and order will be able to punish them who oppose the constitution came out of political mandate.
Stop looking for magical Mashiha in Kalki who can break all law and order to kill papi (sinful) people. He will be in jail for the first murder. Forget about millions and millions Ravan on earth. Only way to end Kaliyuga is through political change in economic system and caste system. So either he will be an economist, entrepreneur or political and economic philosopher. He wont be able to make it happen without winning the election in a democratic world. He will fight his war with ballet not bullet.

what god said about end of kaliyuga
Narad Ji asked Laxmi Ji, "How can humans identify when the Kaliyuga has come to an end?" Laxmi Ji said, "When all temples will be closed, but there will still be lines at alcohol stores, that will be the signal for the arrival of the end of Kaliyuga." And that's what happened during COVID in 2020. An entrepreneur from Pennsylvania, along with four economists from Nepal, started writing a book during the COVID 2020 lockdown – "The Kalkiist Manifesto: A Roadmap to End Kaliyuga."
Where will the kalki start end of kaliyug
The process to establish Vedic caste system, Vedic economic system and accommodation of entire population into Vedic set up is world’s largest project ever and it cant be started as pilot project in a country like India with 1.4 billion vast diverse population. It need a small country with 2-3 crore population and less diverse community like Nepal. big country like India should invest in success of Nepal so that Later it can be replicated in big country like India, China. It need a small country like Nepal which have majority of its population Hindu. Yes. Nepal a country of Shambhu “The Shambhal Desh” was already prophesized 5000 year ago as a country which will start process to end Kaliyuga.
Shambhu + NepaL + desh = Shambhal desh
how a manifesto to end kaliyuga should look like
The end of kaliyuga involves 5 places which were offered by king Parikshit to kaliyuga when he enter his kingdom: money, gold, alcohol, gambling and illict affair. In todays world money, gold and gambling all three are symbol and outcome of capitalism. Banning and punishing people for these wont work as every single country on earth failed even after banning and punishing million and millions. We need completely new system where money has no role. The system with money is called capitalism, socialism and communism. The solution of the problems created by capitalism, socialism and communism was already told in seventh skand of shreemand bhagwat where Devarshi Narad said king Yuddhisthir: यावद् भृयेत जथारं तावत् स्वत्वं हि देहिनम् / अधिकं योस्भिमनयेत् स स्टेनो दण्डमर्हति/ this translate into One should only consume as much as necessary; having excess possessions is indeed for the wealthy." "One who takes more than necessary is a thief and deserves punishment."
Vedas already had proposed what’s best for society. Now we human need to articulate a new economic system out of the Vedas. A system which should be scientific, research based and feasible. The manifesto should focus on Gross Domestic requirement of entire country (necessity as said by Narad ji) then only plan for gross domestic production. Currently, not a single country on earth plan their GDP based on GDR. The manifesto to end Kaliyuga should be fully focused on calculation of GDR. And since Kaliyuga reside in money, the new economic system should run without current monetary system. Only thing which can replace the current monetary system is time/karma. And that’s what the new manifesto ": The kalkiist manifesto” talks about : The karma based transaction system. finally we got idea of Kalkiism- The vedic economic system
last to stop the problem of alcohol : New caste system can easily solve the problem of alcohol.

prophecies about kalki in scripts
There are 12 in total prophecies about kalki and 11 of them matches with the author. In the Bhawishya Purana, it is said that
1. Kalki will be born in Sambhal Desh (Nepal).
2. It is also mentioned that Kalki will be a devotee of Aadi Shakti Mata (Janki Mata) in Janakpur.
3. Kalki is said to be born in a village situated at the bank of a river of milk and a triveni (Dudhmati River). The most pious land in entire Mithilanchal is Matihani village, where they have the clear water ghaghra River. kalki will start the movement in Janakpur which is situated on the banks of Dudhmati river.
4. when most pious soil was searched with yagna for soil ritual of Godess Sita marriage, they found Matihani. ( Mritkhani named in Ramayan book)
5. The father's name is Vishnuyash, and Vishnu is the only god who lives on blue water (Nir-Niranjan his father name).
6. The mother's name is Shanti,
7. The grandfather's name is Yugeshwor Prasad Shah (Yug Ka Ishwor).
8. Author name is Jay, one of the many names proposed for Kalki.
9. The first wife's name is ManoRAMA, ( rama is the prophesized name) and
10. Kalki will have two sons from her - Manav and Ishaan.
11. Kalki will come from a white vimana (airplane) to end Kaliyug.
12. Kalki will have second wife ( not true).
13. He will be born into brahmin family : Chances are very high of fakeness into this prophecy because every single prophecy was written by brahmin of ancient time.
The mentioned details may seem coincidental, but he wrote the first book on earth with a complete roadmap to end Kaliyuga not merely because it matched prophecies, but because his brain compelled him to write it. He is still in a dilemma - whether he is Kalki or if he will just end Kaliyuga, and Kalki will come later. For your information, kalki means Kalki who will have dark skin like Ram and Krishna, not Gorki (light skin) Avatar. The author’s parents migrated to Nepal from Bihar.
Where can i visit and learn everything in person ?
Register for the Enlightenment and Discussion Program where you will learn how Kaliyuga will end in 10 years from Nepal and in 25 years from India. or you can register for a challenge program and grab the opportunity to win $20,000 USD if you can prove the roadmap is wrong or fake. Challenge will be followed by both side. Both party will be liable for entire20k to pay prize if either of them loose.
Upcoming events
date- to be discussed
shagun palace
2643 Street Rd, Bensalem, PA 19020
new jersy
will be shared later
location not finalized yet
new york
not confirmed yet
location is not finalized yet.
whats the event and how it will work
For the last one thousand years, we have all sought an answer to one question: how will Kaliyuga end, and when? Let's explore what the answer might be. The first two domains that Kaliyuga chose to control after King Parikshit offered multiple residences were money and gold. The system that developed around money and gold is known as capitalism in the modern world.
An entrepreneur is best suited to develop a roadmap to end capitalism, which would require a research team of a few hundred economists. With their help, Kaliyuga could be ended within 10 years in a small country like Nepal, and within 25 years in a larger country like India. Laxmi ji once told Narad ji that the closure of all temples and long queues at liquor stores would signify the arrival of the end of Kaliyuga. This happened during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 when temples were closed, and people lined up for alcohol in liquor stores. It was then that the idea for my book, "The Kalkiist Manifesto: A Roadmap to End Kaliyuga," was born.
I am an entrepreneur and author of book "The Kalkiist Manifesto, A Roadmap To End Kaliyuga." I will be organizing a few talk shows in Philadelphia in August and more in nearby cities in the coming months. During these events, I will explain how I plan to end Kaliyuga in Nepal within 10 years and in India within 25 years. The venue for the talk show is yet to be decided, but once confirmed, I will update the website and personally notify those who have registered. Upon registering for the talk show, you will receive a copy of the book so that you can read the entire concept. Everyone will be allowed to ask questions, and if anyone can prove that the roadmap proposed in the book is not the right approach to end Kaliyuga, they will be rewarded with $20,000. If multiple people raise the same questions, the reward will be shared. Please submit your written questions upon entering the talk show to avoid conflicts. If, for any reason, I am unable to respond to your question immediately, I reserve the right to provide a proper answer within a week via email. The registration fee is $250. Please note that the date and time may be subject to change, but you will be duly notified. If you are unable to join at the rescheduled date or time, your money will be refunded. All funds collected from this talk show will be used to assemble a research team of top economists to prepare the final draft of the constitutional changes required to end Kaliyuga in Nepal and India.
To establish a Hindu Rashtra, the constitution must be derived from the Vedas, which stipulate that Brahmins cannot consume meat, alcohol, or nicotine. The proposal to establish a Vedic constitution in the book is so democratic that people from the current Dalit and Muslim communities can also be allowed to become Brahmins within the new caste system of Hinduism. The time has come for the entire Indian subcontinent to respect Brahmins as the only superior caste in Hinduism, while ensuring equality for all other castes. Implementing this mega reform in India, given its size, will be relatively challenging, but it can be easily achieved through research conducted in a small country like Nepal. Furthermore, Nepal is the only Hindu country apart from India. Once a successful model is developed in Nepal, it can be replicated in India.
This talk show will be held in as many cities in the USA as possible until I become occupied with the team-building task in Nepal to end Kaliyuga. Don't miss the opportunity to join the Kalki Sena and contribute to the end of Kaliyuga.